Projects with this topic
MyBB with Minus World plugins, themes, and core modifications.
Credentials + configuration files are not hosted here.
MUST be closed source due to relying on the Respond theme as a base
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Pre-Order and E-Commerce Platform for SME Business. Demo link:
Buy source code and yearly support package. And you will see this respository after payment completed (Please make sure that you are already registered Gitlab Account). If you already buy source code (You will be received Order-ID at first time to pay). You can renew the yearly support package at a special price by confirming your Order-id.
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A simple student management system (SSMS) designed for a single school, single branch and also single admin. Simple installation, simple maintenance and simple to do all the things attached to it.
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StockSync is a comprehensive solution for sellers who operate on multiple marketplaces, such as Ozon and Wildberries. This Laravel-based application allows you to seamlessly track and manage your orders, monitor your inventory, and streamline your sales operations across various platforms.
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Simple WordPress plugin implementaion. CRUD over todo-list. Admin area disable/enable.
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Git: Git is a version control system used for tracking changes in source code during software development. Make sure Git is installed on your system. You can download Git from and follow the installation instructions for your operating system.
PHP: Laravel requires PHP to be installed on your system. You need PHP version 7.3 or higher. You can check your PHP version by running php -v in your terminal.
Composer: Composer is a dependency manager for PHP and is used to install Laravel and its dependencies. You can download Composer from and follow the installation instructions for your operating system.
Web Server: You'll need a web server to serve your Laravel application. While Laravel comes with a built-in development server, it's recommended that Apache or Nginx be used for production deployments.
Database: If the cloned project uses a database, make sure you have the required database management system (e.g., MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite) installed on your system.
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Entwicklung eines interaktiven, benutzerfreundlichen Online-Quizsystems für IU Fernstudierende, das kooperatives und kollaboratives Lernen fördert und eine dynamische Plattform für die Klausurvorbereitung bietet.
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Проект был домашней работой когда то давно, делался на первых парах интереса к веб программированию
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Repositório do meu site pessoal onde pretendo falar de temas relacionados a desenvolvimento web. Espero poder ajudar tanto quanto possível.
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Spring Web application for the 2023 Formula One championship.
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Creación de un CRUD básico en ANGULAR 15, NodeJS con una WEB REST API en PHP y MySQL. En el desarrollo de esta aplicación básica, se usa: BACKEND: PHP FRONTEND: ANGULAR 15 BASE DE DATOS: MySQL
NOTA: También se añade el Inicio de sesión básico sin seguridad, sin Guards o Tokens, el objetivo es mostrar como trabajan las rutas y componentes; Se añade el uso de la librería JSPDF para la visualización de reportes.
Link de REST API
Puedes probar su funcionamiento en la siguiente web: Usuario: Secretaria Password: secretaria
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Welcome to my study repository! I'm Abdullah Alhabal, a Software Engineering student passionate about backend development, Laravel, and web development. This repository serves as a collection of my learnings, projects, and explorations in these fields.
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Web Application for store images
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Web Application E Learning Dharmagitha
Updated - Prezentace klubu Jazz Ungelt s administračním rozhraním na míru, spuštěna v roce 2011. Největší update od spuštění upravoval poněkud zastaralou fasádu pro responzivní zobrazování mobilních zařízeních. Implementuje funkce služby GoOut. Dodnes v provozu.
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UTT: Final Project ― Gestión de Cursos Empresariales