Projects with this topic
Basic login with rest api
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Данный проект - Telegram бот на Python. Основной функционал - контроль семейного бюджета. Бот размещен на сервере и работает 24 на 7. К боту прикручена sql база данных, которая ведет учет покупок всех пользователей. Визуализация данных осуществляется через вывод текстовых данных совместно с подложкой в виде изображения через библиотеку pillow.
Использованные библиотеки: pytelegrambotapi, pymysql, Pillow, random
pip install pytelegrambotapi pip install cryptography pip install pymysql pip install Pillow
Telegram - @Jenyahard
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The party hub for developers 🥳 -
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Install node exporter and forward the desired service resource usage to prometheus to display it on a grafana dashboard
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A Java library designed to make creating, scaling, and managing your SQL databases easier for the developer
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Aplikasi Dashboard untuk Command Center yang berisikan data-data infografis tiap SKPD, Badan dan Instansi di Kabupaten Tasikmalaya. Berfungsi sebagai pengambil keputusan pimpinan.
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Delivery application to connect the end user with cafes around his area with haversine formula to calculate the zone and get the near cafe around his place
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The project records of the system software to be used in MKT are the records compiled by the MIS/IT Team.
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Website Sistem Informasi Manajemen Perbenihan Jeruk (SIMPEJE) untuk BALITJESTRO (Balai Penelitian Tanaman Jeruk dan Buah Subtropika), sebuah perusahaan yang bergerak dibawah naungan BALITBANGTAN - Kementerian Pertanian
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MySQL and MariaDB Tools.
Designed like a proper application within the confines of BASH.
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notes and school stuff on databases and back-end web development
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w3af audit discovery information vulnerability OWASP ZAP get i´ts this...
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W3AF audit discovery information vulnerability OWASP ZAP get i´ts this
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#W3AF audit discovery information vulnerability. #OWASP ZAP get it´s this.
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laravel web project. allow doctors to manage patients