Projects with this topic
Graduate Tools and Models - Data Science.
Rice University, Spring 2024.
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EGG-API is an efficient and versatile project boilerplate specifically designed to generate RESTful APIs with ease. Built on top of the NestJS framework and utilizing TypeORM with MySQL, EGG-API automates the process of creating robust and scalable API projects, allowing developers to focus on implementing business logic rather than spending time on repetitive setup tasks.
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this showcases the helloworld laravel app tech-stack for deployment
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Este sitio esa hecho con la ayuda de buenas tecnologías como lo son HTML, CSS y Javascript, complementando con Codeigniter, Mysql y claro Bootstrap .
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phpMyAdmin deployment on Kubernetes.
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Ce site offre une interface d'achat de chaussures (panier , gestion de quantité etc...) avec une fonctionnalité de renouvellement d'achat.
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Este repositorio contiene el código empleado para la resolución del trabajo de fin de grado realizado por Pablo Rubio Carballo para la obtención del título de Grado en ingeniería informática - Ingeniería de computadores. ETSII, Universidad de Sevilla.
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Food Stock Ordering System (foodu/foodstock)
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Dozee purchase order system
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Full-stack training (Node, Express, Google Maps) project that helps users to find gas-stations with relevant info.
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577 and 584 group project
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A Spring Boot / Security / MySQL / RestAPI simple demo app with Swagger UI for listing the database API queries.
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This is a web application for online supermarket. The application is built using Java Servlets and JSPs, and it connects to a MySQL database for data storage.
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Entwicklung eines interaktiven, benutzerfreundlichen Online-Quizsystems für IU Fernstudierende, das kooperatives und kollaboratives Lernen fördert und eine dynamische Plattform für die Klausurvorbereitung bietet.