Projects with this topic
Learn NextJS from the ground up and build production-ready, fullstack ReactJS apps with the NextJS framework!
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NoteMan is a note-taking app & note manager.
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Password generator utility for AWS's SES SMTP. Hosted on gitlab pages:
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A monopoly type game, made with NextJS. Will be used to create the Kenpath API.
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The website for Better, the company, based on better-template.
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Personal blog and homepage built with Next.js and Tailwind.
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Small SWP PWA that shows info about pokémon consuming the
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Docker Containerized eCommerce Store using (NextJS,Express,Sequelite,JWT, ...etc)
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Next.js, Apollo, GraphQL, Emotion
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An example Next.js project using React Hooks w/ Markdown, Bulma Sass styling; and AVA, Jest, and Cypress for testing.
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An Example Chat Application using Feathers with Next.js and React Hooks
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What's Next.js? SSR sin esfuerzo
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A minimal static website - made with Nextjs, React and Tachyons.