Projects with this topic
OpenAtlas ( is an open source, web based database system for complex archaeological, historical and geospatial data.
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Corso PostgreSQL/PostGIS livello base
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A PostgreSQL docker container with PostGIS and other useful tools.
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Plugin to import raster files to postgis databases
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Mineral Exploration Database template/ system for Postgres/PostGIS and QGIS. The project incorporates import scripts, data storage, validation, reporting, 3D drill trace generation and more.
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JIS X 0410に準拠した地域メッシュコードおよび、浸水想定区域図データ電子化ガイドラインに準拠したメッシュコードに対応しています。
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PostgreSQL Docker image.
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Customizable opensource GIS stack deployment using ansible and docker-compose
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Software tools for modernization of land records processing within the state of Maharashtra
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These are the CartoCSS map stylesheets and a tile server container for a public transit focused customization of OpenStreetMap-Carto.
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Code for
Mirrored from
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Sistema de Administración de Datos Geográficos
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PostGIS web user interface - Spatial data viewer
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SQL for creating a PostGIS database with the inspire data-model