Projects with this topic
Esse repositório visa armazenar estudos e projetos realizados durante o período do estágio da CompassUOL. O estágio tem intuito de apresentar a nós alunos a área de Quality Assurance, área essa muito importante para garantir qualidade e confiabilidade em um software e também empresa!
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Este repositório dedica - se a registrar todos os meus estudos voltados a área de tecnologia e qualidade de software.
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Node.js: The Complete Guide to Build RESTful APIs (2018)
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Neste repositório, faço o controle de versão dos projetos, resumos e documentações de cada Sprint no programa de estágio em AWS & Performance for Software Quality Engineering.
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Conteúdos que serão estudados e desenvolvidos durante o estágio.
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Integrations or scripts should not be installed directly on the IP Fabric VM unless directly communicated from the IP Fabric Support or Solution Architect teams. Any action on the Command-Line Interface (CLI) using the root, osadmin, or autoboss account may cause irreversible, detrimental changes to the product and can render the system unusable.
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Unofficial API (backend) for torrent trackers RuTracker, Kinozal, RuTor and NoNameClub. Used for fast and centralized search of distribution, receiving torrent files, magnetic links and detailed information about distribution by movie title, series or distribution identifier, and also provides news RSS feed to all providers with filtering by categories.
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Walks you through using Postman to mock out a backend API when developing a SPA app.
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The diplom project of the Yandex practicum
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This project serves as a learning exercise designed to explore and gain practical experience with Spring Boot and MySQL technologies. It demonstrates core functionalities including user registration, authentication, and JWT-based login implementation.
Spring Boot MySQLeatures:
User registration with basic validation User authentication using Username and password JWT-based token generation and validation for secure loginCompleted (as of February 17, 2024)
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Fullstack Project in our first semester. (Vue.js und SpringBoot) Oliver Bryn Alcantara & Jörg Spitzer It is a fullstack administration application to manage students and teachers which helped us get to know the concepts of CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations and how frontend and backend requests work together to deliver the desired functionality. I worked on both front & back - end, with more focus on the frontend aspect of the application.Updated
Данный проект разработан в учебных целях ЯндексПрактикум по направлению "DevOps для эксплуатации и разработки". Исходное задание
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Provides rest APIs for user, product and transaction management for an e-commerce application.
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An E-commerce web application. It lets users view, add to the cart and buy products from the website along with a working payment gateway.
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Реализовываем настройку окружения, авторизацию и основной функционал
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Необходимо найти кратчайший маршрут для почтальона. Создать игру tic tac toe 10*10 с ботом. Кто выстроил 5 подряд, тот проиграл.Updated
Postman collection that checks if your tasks in Azure DevOps were closed.
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