Projects with this topic
This repo functions as a guide to show how to setup nextcloud in a docker compose setup. The components are: nextcloud:31-fpm, redis, postgres and nginx as webserver. To make nextcloud available to the internet, we use caddy as a reverse proxy and to provide automated SSL certificates.
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An easy-to-setup and secured Traefik based reverse proxy using docker compose to host multiple docker based project on the same machine.
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Forward (classic) SOCKS, HTTPS and reverse proxy server based on .NET
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Dockerized nginx reverse proxy.
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Traefik docker compose setup
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Configurable HTTP reverse proxy and deterministic cache
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traefik setup for my local development machine.
traefik is a small, fast reverse proxy designed with support for container based deployments in mind. I'm using it to manage access to my local tooling and development version of web applications I'm working on. That includes providing nice domain names (through the domain that I own) and automatic Let's Encrypt TLS support for HTTPS.
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A Chart Deployment for Node server with Nginx on Reverse Proxy on Kubernetes via Helm 3
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Static URL shortener reverse proxy powered by Jinja2 templates and NGINX