Projects with this topic
Nyx: Blazing fast high-fidelity astrodynamics for Monte Carlo analyzes of constellations, interplanetary missions, and deep space flight navigation --
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A simplified pattern correlation index based on Pearson's correlation. Targeting real-time pulse-shape discrimination applications.
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Citerate is a casual city-building simulation. The goal is to create the biggest cities with the help of the citizens by iterating organically on their needs.
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A simulation of classical (mathematical) billiards. / Symulacja klasycznych bilardów (matematycznych). Python + NumPy + Matplotlib
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Pioneer 3 AT Robot Simulation using Webots and ROS, and making SLAM using Cartographer ROS.
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Particle Physics Simulator android application project
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Alphabot2 simulation in ROS
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[Uc3m] The not-so-amazing power of management
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Monte-Carlo methods for physics simulation
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A simulation of Brownion Motions with options to change temperature and number of small and big particles
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My personal knowledge base on everything I learn(ed) during my studies and work
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The Noble Ape Simulation was started in 1996. It features a number of autonomous simulation components including: landscape, biological, weather, sentient creature, a simple intelligent-agent scripting language (ApeScript).
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DiPAS is a framework for differentiable simulations of particle accelerators.
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Simulation and visualisation of random walk and stochastic processes.
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A miniature golf simulation game. A track editor is planned.