Projects with this topic
Spring template for a REST service designed with Hexagonal architecture
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🖐🏿 Bonjour,Nous sommes heureux de vous présenter « Les objets sont nos amis », un projet de formation réalisé en groupe, visant à créer une plateforme web pour faciliter l'échange d'objets de seconde main sans transactions financières. Notre équipe, composée de Jeremy, Leo, Fanick, Tenzin, a travaillé ensemble pour développer une solution qui promeut la réutilisation et le recyclage.
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Spring Boot-React.js CRUD application
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SpringBoot application made on training at m2i Formation. It showcases JSP, DAO, Services, Web Services through REST controllers. Check also the Angular Client.
Has m2i Java SpringBoot TP JWT Basic Security Config repository as dependency.
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First-part-application for T-Systems Java School
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A web application to organize and schedule tasks by the kanban system.
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Java生态研究(Spring Boot + Redis + Dubbo + RocketMQ)
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Projekt grupe Ferllowship na predmetu Programsko inženjerstvo akademske godine 2020./2021.
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Source code to accompany "Java Full Stack Development with Spring Boot" on Purwadhika workshop
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Spring and AngularJS based reference architecture for small-and-mid-sized web applications using CI and CD
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