Projects with this topic
Este repositório dedica - se a registrar todos os meus estudos voltados a área de tecnologia e qualidade de software.
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You can do anything
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Golang JSON RPC lib with Generator (Server + Client)
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Anonymously, uncensored, protected messenger. U already can use it. https://t.me/tons_chat_bot
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LLM Chatbot prototype with LangChain. Created with a given brief besides documentation for it's API.
Simply, it responds back to the input provided by users.
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Unofficial API (backend) for torrent trackers RuTracker, Kinozal, RuTor and NoNameClub. Used for fast and centralized search of distribution, receiving torrent files, magnetic links and detailed information about distribution by movie title, series or distribution identifier, and also provides news RSS feed to all providers with filtering by categories.
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Java + Spring Boot + H2 Database + MyBatis + Actuator + Jasper Reports + Swagger
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Java + Spring Boot + H2 Database + Actuator + Jasper Reports + Swagger
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Java + Spring Framework + H2 Database + HikariCP + JWT + Jasper Reports + Swagger + Test Unitarios (Spock/Mock Framework)
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A simple Spring Cloud demo project - Eureka, Feign, Ribbon ...
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Ledger posting micro service application with Java, Springboot and Kafka.
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A simple web app using Go and Gin framework.
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Study project to learn something new
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Backend to generate and manage short urls
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Advanced API server (Open Architecture, DI, GORM..)
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Java + Micronaut + Flyway + H2 + MyBatis (persistence framework) + Jetty + Gradle + Spock