Projects with this topic
Master thesis - Deep learning-based pairwise alignment of protein sequences using transformer architecture.
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Bioinformatics - Pairwise sequence alignment using hidden Markov model.
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Bioinformatics - Segmentation of biofilm images using OpenCV library.
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Run Oxford Nanopore MinION software in Docker containers
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Landing page of the DeePaC-F fungal database and models
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A Swiss Knife suite to manage pipeline environments
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Materials in this project correspond to the "Machine Learning for Bioinformatics" course Dr. Jacob Machado gave at UNC Charlotte during the Fall semester of 2022. See more details in the file.
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Microbial Bioinformatics Hub is an open-source, collaborative space for researchers and students to find, learn and share knowledge, methods and tools related to analyzing microbiological data.
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Manikineko PYBIDK An Python Toolkit for Handling Gentic Information
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Construção do Jogo de Biologia para o entendimento do Crossing-over, como atividade de apoio (em Javascript), a ser aplicada em sala de aula através do projeto TIC-biologia/UFMS .
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This Project contains two scripts that allow you to create boxplots of your seam cell countings. Please be sure to have them both in you repository. Additonal information is in the readme and the Tutorial-File. A template.csv file is also provided.
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DuploMap is designed to improve precision and recall of long-read alignments in segmental duplications.
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FFIND is a data-agnostic, scalable web platform with capability to integrate image and non-image data types (transcriptomics, flow cytometry, electrophysiology) into a user interface tailored to project-specific goals.