Projects with this topic
Porn-Vault is a self hosted organizer for adult videos and imagery.
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Email Validator web service validates email addresses:
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Weather Sender web service sends OpenWeather forecasts to Telegram.
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📚 DirasatiDirasati is an educational platform designed to facilitate seamless interactions between teachers and students. The platform provides a user-friendly interface for managing teacher profiles, course offerings, and student engagement.
Frontend: React (via Inertia.js) Backend: Laravel Database: Azure Database for PostgreSQL Deployment: Azure Container Instances (Dockerized) Version Control: Git & GitLab CI/CD: GitLab CI/CD (Automating testing, building images, and pushing to Azure Container Registry) Task Management: Jira⚙️ Tech Stack
Teacher profile management Course listing and enrollment Secure authentication & authorization Cloud-based deployment with Azure Automated CI/CD for seamless updates🚀 FeaturesUpdated -
Linnaeus is a program/app developed by Naturalis to setup and manage taxonomic databases.
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Privacy-enabling account management and SSO solution.
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Система предназначена для проверки связности с удаленными устройствами с использованием команд ping и traceroute.
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Сервис для соревнований по информационной безопасности Capture the flag (CTF). Написан для внутривузовских соревнований ОмГТУ, приуроченных к 20 летию выхода фильма.
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The Docker PaaS you've been looking for.
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Open Source Embedded C/C++ Project Template with dockerized development environment and MISRA C/C++ support.
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Simple web application designed for running in containers for demos
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A F(L)OSS zero-config url shortener with QR Code generator and (optional) Open Telemetry Metrics support written in ASP.NET
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A hyper-local community-focused lending app for neighbors aimed at reducing individual spending and building community
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Une plateforme de gestion de projet collaboratif destinée aux équipes de développement logiciel, permettant de planifier, suivre et collaborer sur des projets de manière efficace.
🌐 Web : https://angular-frontend.up.railway.appUpdated -
Ansible automated universal system setup
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Source code for the website of qstudio64 hosted on and on
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