Projects with this topic
Juego de "Terraforming Mars" realizado con Springboot, Java, Maven y siguiendo el patrón de arquitectura MVC (Modelo-Vista-Controlador). Utilización de MySQL para la persistencia de datos.
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🖐🏿 Bonjour,Nous sommes heureux de vous présenter « Les objets sont nos amis », un projet de formation réalisé en groupe, visant à créer une plateforme web pour faciliter l'échange d'objets de seconde main sans transactions financières. Notre équipe, composée de Jeremy, Leo, Fanick, Tenzin, a travaillé ensemble pour développer une solution qui promeut la réutilisation et le recyclage.
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577 and 584 group project
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Code examples about Spring MVC, Security and CAS Apereo integration
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Spring Web application for the 2023 Formula One championship.
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Java application to store a list of favorites movies. MVC design pattern
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Gestor is created in order to support the running of the school.
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Proyecto Final de Laboratorio de Programación Técnico Superior en Sistemas Informaticos UTN Facultad Regional General Pacheco Año: 2019 Cuatrimestre: 1
Website con Boostrap, Java, Jquery, Hibernate, Spring, MVC.
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✩ PROJET ACADEMIQUE (en groupe) - 3ème année de cycle ingénieur - Systèmes embarqués
☛Projet d'architecture logicielle en Java EE
✍ Auteurs: SECK Malick, CABRAL Jorge, MOLLET Loïck, FAHIM HamzaUpdated -
Website for a Cinematographer
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Um POC que demonstra que o Spring Boot recente (2.4.5) é capaz de criar uma aplicação web (war) que funciona com JSP.
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Multi-threaded Queue Simulator prepared for the Programming Techniques Course, in the 2nd year, 2nd semester.
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Umsetzung des MVC-Konzepts am Beispiel einer Alarmanlage mit dem Raspberry Pi
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Projeto para Portfolio Spring Boot Form
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Polynomial Calculator with GUI prepared for the Programming Techniques course, in the 2nd year, 2nd semester.
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Projeto de Portfolio para estudos de injeção de dependências
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Gestor is created in order to support the running of the school.
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Gestor is created in order to support the running of the school.