Projects with this topic
Smartmovil is a project focused on battery management that goes beyond merely diagnosing battery behavior. Smartmovil offers a predictive system for indicators such as RUL (Reliable Useful Live), SoC (Statate of Charge), SoH (State of Health). These indicators enable timely actions to be taken in the maintenance and treatment of batteries. Furthermore, Biobusiness aims to cultivate a culture of battery management by implementing its devices in various familiar environments, including vehicles, homes, machinery, and other applications where effective battery management is essential.
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Данный проект разработан в учебных целях ЯндексПрактикум по направлению "DevOps для эксплуатации и разработки". Исходное задание
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The initial task of practical work on the course "DevOps for operation and development" Смотреть ветки
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A real-estate products database restricted to authenticated users, architectured in microservices.
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A web application built with rust + angular + postgresql + docker + nginx which allows you to manage an image/video library along with rich metadata and analytical capabilities.
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An enhanced Nginx directory listing interface.
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A curated list of Docker Compose samples.
These samples provide a starting point for how to integrate and manage different services using a Docker Compose file.
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Angular App for Ravimoshark employees at office.
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Autohub is a web based tool for vehicle and vehicle history management running on Ubuntu instance.
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Angular app containing my personal website to display information sush as blog, photos and resume using angular material and bootstrap.
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Angular app containing my personal website to display information sush as blog, photos and resume using angular material and bootstrap.