Projects with this topic
The project is in the master branch.
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GitLab is an open source end-to-end software development platform with built-in version control, issue tracking, code review, CI/CD, and more. Self-host GitLab on your own servers, in a container, or on a cloud provider.
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Tools for probing the reasoning ability of LLMs and logging the logprobs (log probabilties) of generated tokens to identify weak points in an LLM's response.
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Demos and showcases w/ Next.js, TypeScript & MUI
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Web application to listen podcasts from your browser
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BankChat Financial Advice Chat é um serviço abrangente desenvolvido para fornecer aconselhamento financeiro personalizado através de um chat interativo. O frontend oferece uma experiência de usuário fluida e responsiva, enquanto o backend garante a gestão segura e eficiente dos dados. O projeto integra tecnologias modernas como React, TypeScript, Vite, Express, Firebase, JWT, MongoDB e Ollama para oferecer uma solução robusta e escalável.
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Delivery Service app is an advanced delivery management web application built using React for the frontend and Express.js for the backend.
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Solar System Explorer est un site web interactif pour explorer le système solaire en 3D. Utilisant WebGL et Three.js, il offre une visualisation immersive des planètes et de leurs orbites. Les utilisateurs peuvent zoomer, pivoter et se déplacer libre
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A remote software engineering job portal, is built using React, React Query, TypeScript, JavaScript, HTML, and CSS.
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[PL] Projekt Ghostyportfolio powstał jako część pracy inżynierkskiej.
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Shoplee is a full-featured e-commerce platform built using the MERN stack (MongoDB, Express, React, Node.js). It offers users the ability to browse, buy, and sell products with a seamless, user-friendly experience. The platform includes secure user authentication and authorization using JWT, allowing users to register, log in, and manage their accounts. Sellers can list products with images, descriptions, and prices, while buyers can search and filter through various categories. Shoplee features a shopping cart system, enabling users to add, update, and remove items before proceeding to checkout with integrated secure payment options. Additionally, users can view their order history and track current purchases. The admin panel provides tools for managing products, users, and orders, ensuring smooth operations. Built with a modern tech stack, Shoplee is scalable, responsive, and designed for optimal user interaction, making it an ideal solution for online shopping and selling.
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MEPhIcal Supremacy (МИФИческое Господство) - ролевая пошаговая командно-политически ориентированная игра, представляющая собой смесь мафии и монополии. Вдохновлена "Космическим господством" от организаторов Школы Кураторов и Школы Медиа 2023 НИЯУ МИФИ, которая, в свою очередь, является интерпретацией "Политического господства".
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This project is a frontend application developed using React. It provides a user-friendly interface for interacting with the backend management application.
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Main application ( WebApp written in ReactJS Cannot run without the backend