Projects with this topic
An online tree-like utility for generating ASCII folder structure diagrams. Written in TypeScript and React.
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2020, TypeScript, Ant Design, React, Hooks, Redux, Firebase, GitLab CI/CD - Jiri Znoj - personal website
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Try to recap some Redux principles (using NgRx) and Angular Material as UI library
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e-commerce web application with React, Redux, React Query, MUI, Firebase, Cypress, SASS, Localization, Theming, GitLab CI/CD
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Проект React (TypeScript): новостной сайт с загруженными постами и комментариями (на основе сайта Reddit и API Reddit).
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An online multiplayer Tetris game where you can show your friends who's the king! Made in React, Express and Redux.
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A simple React app implements redux pattern without using any library.
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React.js(TypeScript) application for displaying transit routes on map
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React.js(TypeScript) application for viewing records in table
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React.js(TypeScript) client for singleplayer/multiplayer online game "Snakes Battle"
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Countdown Timer Application using Typescript + React + Redux + Material UI.
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2020, TypeScript, Ant Design, React, Hooks, Redux, Firebase, GitLab CI/CD - Workout app for tracking daily exercise (now supported - PullUps, PushUps, Squats, SitUps, Burpees, HipThrust, Dips, Dumbbells, Walk, Run, Bike, Swim, RollerSkates, Plank, Gym, Fitness, Yoga)
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