Projects with this topic
Wordpress Theme im Corporate-Design der Wirtschaftsjunioren Deutschland
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Шаблон для проектов с использованием vite.
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Vereinonline Layout im Corporate-Design der Wirtschaftsjunioren Deutschland
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Nuiverse UI is an open-source design system of Nuinalp for products and digital experiencies
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Skeleton project to get up and running in Angular alongside the SKAO guidelines and best practices including testing, linting, CI/CD pipelines, universal directory layout etc
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HTML Template im Corporate-Design der Wirtschaftsjunioren Deutschland
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A HUGO Starter Template for SEO driven sites. https://pauernet.gitlab.io/hugo-seo
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Updated Rails Template for new projects working with esbuild. Compatible with: ruby 3.1.2, Rails, node v16.16.0 Gems included: devise, simple_form, ,sitemap_generator, rollbar, skylight Features added: bootstrap, fontawesome, sitemap, simple navbar and footer Pre-Conditions: VS / RVM / NVM / RAILS / RUBY / PG / NODE / YARN already installed correctly with correct versions
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A Bootstrap 4 Template for Joomla
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Easy to use project template for an express.js server. Includes Sequelize DB integration, Sass, JS-Minification and testing via Jest and Supertest. (Compatible with Gitlab Auto DevOps)
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Template project Angular with TaigaUI Design System and TailwindCSS
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Jekyll Just-The-Docs template with highlight.js
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Template to create PWAs using TypeScript and SCSS to compile an app that uses plain HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
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Basic project template for Go HTTPS server that hosts React website developed with Typescript and SCSS
(IMPORTANT NOTE! certificates under this repository should not be used outside testing environment as they are not secure!!)
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A React Application for your personal portfolio.
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A simple webcomic generator for Jekyll, which supports multiple comics on one site. It comes with a simple and ugly template to get started by example.
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Demo of template for documentation pages styled with UIkit for Middleman. https://hajnyon.gitlab.io/middleman-uikit-documentation-demo