Projects with this topic
This Gitlab Repository contains SUCKLESS Configurations, including My Personal Build and Configuration of the Dynamic Window Manager (DWM) and My Personal Build and Configuration of DWMBlocks, using the XORG/X11 Display Server.
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Old projects about audio editing that were created as course and diploma projects at college
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A sample project to demonstrate and create snapshot using Microsoft SQL Server
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C++ Builder Examples of implementing artificial neurons for use with aritifial intelligence programmes.
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Unreal Engine 4.27 | Friday Night Funkin'
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Embryon d'un jeu à la 1ere personne, écrit en C++.
Embryo of a first person game, writen in C++.
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Library and Applications that implement the UDP Data Receiver for the Pulsar Timing Instrument. This corresponds to the RECV software component in the PST Detailed Design.
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a simple PySide6 binding for Scintilla from
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Playground of System Programming.
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A Lego racer game written in C++ and OpenGL with dynamic cars
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Optimized password list based SHA-256 password cracking written in C/C++, OpenCL for GPU
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C++ codding by model term definitions.
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Repository containing different algorithms I've done in different programming languages
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