Projects with this topic
Old projects about audio editing that were created as course and diploma projects at college
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A sample project to demonstrate and create snapshot using Microsoft SQL Server
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C++ Builder Examples of implementing artificial neurons for use with aritifial intelligence programmes.
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Unreal Engine 4.27 | Friday Night Funkin'
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Embryon d'un jeu à la 1ere personne, écrit en C++.
Embryo of a first person game, writen in C++.
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Library and Applications that implement the UDP Data Receiver for the Pulsar Timing Instrument. This corresponds to the RECV software component in the PST Detailed Design.
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a simple PySide6 binding for Scintilla from
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Playground of System Programming.
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A Lego racer game written in C++ and OpenGL with dynamic cars
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Optimized password list based SHA-256 password cracking written in C/C++, OpenCL for GPU
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C++ codding by model term definitions.
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Qt GUI path planning software for robot in ABU Robocon 2019. It generates path, integrating with MBED IDE and uploading firmware to the robot.
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Windows game programming tutorials for DirectX 11. Written in C++.
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PA199 Advanced Games Development course project. A Breakout game made in a simple game engine written from scratch.
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