Projects with this topic
The diplom project (Infrastructure) of the Yandex practicum
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Installs Prometheus, Grafana for basic monitoring, Hubble (optionally) for traceability if Cilium is specified as the CNI.
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An APNIC-IPv6-stats-to-Grafana-datasource processor to use with simpod's Grafana JSON datasource plugin
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Grafana instance for dashboard management within CarbonCollins - Cloud
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monitors an Oekofen pellet heating system using JSON analyzed by python-script, sent to influxdb and dashboard created by using grafana
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Ansible roles and related files to set up my Raspberry Pi for reading and parsing smart meter output (electricity produced/consumed, gas consumed)
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Tutorial Nginx Reverse Proxy
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The initial task of practical work on the course "DevOps for operation and development" Смотреть ветки
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Данный проект разработан в учебных целях ЯндексПрактикум по направлению "DevOps для эксплуатации и разработки". Исходное задание
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Découvrez des tutoriels en français pour prometheus/grafana ici :
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The initial task of practical work on the course "DevOps for operation and development" Смотреть ветки
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Ansible scripts for the monitoring dashboard
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This reference project was created to supplement a blog I wrote. Please see the readme for more information.